The Benefits of Educational Toys Designed for Infants and toddlers


The Benefits of Educational Toys Designed for Infants and toddlers


Research suggests that play-based learning is crucial to the growing child's progress. Although ensuring that your child is getting sufficient time to play is an excellent benefit for parents who want their children to expend their energy, children begin to discover who they are through their play even in the early years of their life. From the beginning of development, a child's mind is expanded by simply taking in their surroundings and absorbing them.

Educational toys can help children develop the many skills they'll require throughout their lives. Educational toys can aid in developing problem-solving skills and teach conflict resolution and how causes and effects work. They also teach children about sharing improve their gross and fine motor skills and foster their imagination and creativity. At Casa Dee Montessori School, our Montessori for Toddlers program provides a loving and nurturing environment where your child can explore, learn, and grow.

If you are looking for a Montessori for Toddlers in Bolton.

Children can benefit from educational toys as soon as one month. Here are some excellent suggestions for toys that are educational and that are based on the age of children and an explanation of the benefits.


1-    12 months In the early stage, sensory play aids in stimulating the child's senses. Families can introduce toys that promote interaction as your child develops hand-eye coordination. As your child gets engaged, we recommend the introduction of problem-solving toys. They can assist children in dealing with conflict and help them become more comfortable with the concept of the relationship between cause and effect, like "If I do this, then that will happen". They can also increase their confidence after being able to understand how a toy functions after trials and errors and direction. Another great toy for children to play with is those which encourage movements.


Some great toys for your baby's very first year are:


  • Mobiles
  • Soothers
  • Infant play
  • Small, portable toys that have lights and sound
  • Blocks or stackers
  • Learn at the various learning centres
  • Dance mats that are lit up with music


Twelve to 24 months If your child is one year or older, the child will become highly mobile. Introducing suitable toys will assist in teaching the basics of balance and coordination and boost your child's fascination with their newfound mobility. As your child learns how to walk, you could also introduce learning numbers by taking their steps. This will allow them to become acquainted with the concepts and their meanings even if they don't yet understand the concept at this point.


Themed play sets are excellent educational toys that can be introduced between the ages of 12-18 months as they aid in developing your child's recognition abilities. For instance, if you have a theme-based play set based on animals, it's a good idea to practice the sounds every animal produces. This can also aid in developing language by reiterating the names of the colors and shapes.


Some examples of toys that can aid your child in reaching milestones that are new between the ages of 1 and 2 years old are:


  • Cars that push
  • Ride and stride toys
  • Walkers
  • Themed toys
  • Themes-based books


2 plus years. If your kids get more extensive and active, they may introduce toys encouraging more physical play. When teaching them to play with certain toys, for example, a tricycle, ensure that you are aware of any safety issues like wearing a helmet. When using the toy, they are aware that when they use their tricycle, they need to have their helmet on, too.


This is also an ideal time to introduce toys that include cognitive skills building. There are a variety of toys that help children develop their writing skills, whether they're writing their names or drawing and also their tiny motor abilities. Games and books can aid your child in developing names and develop literacy abilities. These kinds of toys give your child a visual representation of what they're hearing. For instance, the repetitiveness of reading the book about a dog and looking at a photograph of a dog allows your child to link the image of dogs with the sounds the dog makes. Reading books that feature images in color and some words on every page will allow your child to gradually familiarize themselves with the way they are written on the page.


Some examples of toys that can aid in physical activity and build cognitive skills are:


  • Tricycles
  • Basketball hoops
  • T-ball stands for
  • Bowling sets
  • Sand with kinetics
  • Drawing easel
  • "See and Say" games or books
  • Magnetic building blocks
  • Toys for counting


Playing with your child throughout the day can be enjoyable and beneficial to their development. What are the toys your kids enjoy that aid in development and learning? If you are looking for a high-quality and affordable kindergarten  Program, preschool or Montessori Daycare School Bolton, contact us and take a tour of our Casa Dee Montessori School.


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